Welcome to St Anne’s Church Stafford.

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We use Live Streaming to enable:-
⦁ Housebound Parishioners to engage with Mass from Home.
⦁ Relatives & Friends who cannot attend a Baptism, Wedding or
Funeral, to engage with it.
⦁ Evangelisation:- enabling those who cannot, or do not attend
Church for any reason to engage with acts of worship.

All of these reasons are necessary in the legitimate interests of
the Church.

The Images are made available live over the internet, and can be
accessed by anyone who wishes to do so.
Live Streaming is carried out during services and a camera
focused on the Sanctuary may be live streaming all the times.
There is no public access to the Sanctuary area.
Those who do not wish to have their image live streamed are
advised not to sit near the Sanctuary.

Click on link below to see Saturday evening Mass:- https://youtu.be/sWhQTy0IGHI

Sorry, There is no Sunday Mass recording this weekend.